Some of the best-talented developers (Cream of the Developers Community) are getting laid off from big tech companies which are dream companies for many. Most of the dudes think that once we are into those companies, they are settled and obsessed with the job they are doing and the company. An employee who had been working for 17 years continuously in a single company and that journey came to an end on one fine morning. The other employee who started his career in same company and served quite a long time. He didn’t even know about other companies’ work culture and how to switch. He was also laid off. They might have worked day and night to develop beautiful products and give solutions to many pain points of clients. They must have prioritised their job over family many times. What’s the point in staying those many years serving in the same company with loyalty and trust but it didn’t continue. It broke. You are no more an employee of that company.
It is always important to know how much significant you are to the company than how significant the company is to you. We are living in a capitalist economy where we are having limitless opportunities, merit-based growth and a competitive environment. But we are calculated in terms of profit and loss. Companies and markets are merciless. They can lay off at any point of time in this gig economy. We must be resilient and lay off proof to overcome this situation. We must improve ourselves day in and day out. We must understand that layoffs are not the end of the world but can be the beginning of something beautiful and turn disadvantages into advantages. At the end of the day you can’t control everything that happens in your life but you can control how you react to those things. There is no security for your 9-5 job unless you stay active on what’s going on in the company and economy, keep your resume updated, keep your portfolio fresh and do some proof of work on some open source projects. Here is a list of 5 ways we need to keep in mind to be more resilient to these layoffs.
Develop a savings attitude. Maintain at least 6 months of expenditure as an emergency fund at any given point in time
Consider early warning signals that are getting generated in the market and be prepared for them. Have a plan for a better future.
Build a professional network through LinkedIn which can help you land a new job
Do some proof of work and contribute to open-source projects
Learn - Un Learn - Re Learn
Sun sets to rise again. You will also shine again. Be Strong.